
Serv­ing hos­pi­tal­i­ty for sev­en generations

Dear guests,

we are pleased to intro­duce you to our Hotel, a for­mer post office to the Grand Duke of Baden. It is the ide­al place for a stay and the ide­al home base for busi­ness­peo­ple, cul­ture lovers and for a short vaca­tion getaway.

On-going ren­o­va­tions and remod­el­ing have enabled us to con­tin­u­al­ly improve our offer with­out alter­ing the char­ac­ter­is­tic style of our build­ing. Since March 2022, our com­plete­ly redesigned break­fast area awaits you. Pri­or to this, sev­en rooms were par­tial­ly refur­bished at the begin­ning of 2020. The last com­plete refur­bish­ment of 14 rooms took place in spring 2019. This was also used to air-con­di­tion all rooms as well as the pub­lic rooms in the house.

Today, the hotel has 31 rooms (14 sin­gle rooms, 11 double/ twin rooms and 6 junior suites. Of these, four are bar­ri­er-free rooms with hard floors on the ground floor, two have their own ter­race access).

Our Junior Suites are equipped with their own refrig­er­a­tor and tea and cof­fee facilities.

All our guest rooms and pub­lic areas are air-con­di­tioned, and we also offer free WLAN through­out the house. We have installed air fil­ters in our hotel lob­by and break­fast room.

A sauna is avail­able to our guests for relax­ation. Sub­ject to avail­abil­i­ty, we are hap­py to pro­vide free tick­ets to the won­der­ful cas­tle park right next door as well as rental bikes.

Dur­ing the cold sea­son a cosy open fire invites you to stay in our lob­by. Here we serve you drinks and you can pass the time watch­ing TV or read­ing var­i­ous mag­a­zines and nation­al news­pa­pers. We have our own secure park­ing spaces for your car.

Let us look after you, in a house where friend­li­ness and atten­tive ser­vice to the guest are still a mat­ter of course.

We look for­ward to your visit!

Your Hosts Tes­sa, Ursu­la and Wern­er Höfer

Portrait Tessa Höfer

Our recep­tion desk is at your ser­vice from Mon to Thurs from 7.30 AM to 9.30 PM and from Fri to Sun from 8.00 AM to 6.00 PM.

View of a room

Room types

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View of the large fountain in Schwetzingen Castle


Let us spoil you