Selec­tions from our guest book 

On June 12th, 1953, Grand­fa­ther Ernst Ihm received the hotel’s first guest­book from his daugh­ter Mar­i­anne and son-in-law Hans Ruf­fler on the occa­sion of his 56th birth­day. “It was cer­tain­ly time to start this custom!” 

Es war auch wirk­lich keine Zeit mehr zu ver­lieren, denn es lagen immer­hin schon 113 Jahre zwis­chen der Über­nahme des “Gasthofes zum Adler”
in 1840 by our great-great-great-grand­fa­ther and this book 

For more than 60 years now the images and sig­na­tures in our guest­books are con­tem­po­rary history.